5. Closing

How to Work Through the 4 Main Objections and Close the Deal:

What is an Objection?

An objection is a “reason” not to move forward that a Prospect tells us. It’s usually not true but “only” a limiting belief in the Prospect’s mind. And our beliefs can be changed.

The aim of this module is to teach you a simple 3-step closing technique so that you know how to move forward, even when a Prospect voices an objection, instead of just letting them down on their dreams.

Why is this Important?

Because we need to be able to help our Prospects and Partners move out of their limiting beliefs in order for them to realize their dreams.

The Golden Rules of Closing:

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. When something is important to us, we always find the resources needed (time and money). So when People say they can’t but really want to, we need to show them that we care enough to help them move forward.

So What Are the Main Objections?

  1. I don’t have the money.
  2. I don’t have the time.
  3. I am not a salesperson.
  4. It’s a pyramid.

These 4 objections cover 95% of the objections you’ll ever encounter in building your Zinzino business. Practice the technique until it’s in your heart, then there is nothing you cannot do with Zinzino.

Getting the Objections ‘Activated’:

When you’re in the Evaluation Meeting (EM), you should ask the Prospect to join Zinzino (yes/no). This tends to activate the Prospect’s main objection, and after having practiced the technique in this module, you’ll always know precisely what to do. Study Skill #3, Presenting, to learn the ‘Bridge’ to Closing.

Objection #1: I don’t have the money.

Step #1: Isolating the Objection:

  • Prospect: “I don’t have the money for a Start Kit.”
  • Coach: “I hear what you’re saying, but I wonder if it’s just a polite way of saying no, or if it’s really true that you don’t have the money. Both are absolutely fine with me. I just want to help.”
  • Prospect: “It is really true that I don’t have the money for the Start Kit.”
  • Coach: “Ok, but does that mean that if you had the money, you would start now?”
  • Prospect: “Ee….yes.”
  • Coach: “Are you sure?”
  • Prospect: “Yes!”

Now we’ve accomplished 3 important things: You have told the Prospect that you care and that they are free to say no. You have isolated the objection to “the money.” And you have gotten a clear “yes” to join if “the money thing” is solved.

If the Prospect says that it is, in fact, a polite way of saying “no,” just say this: “That’s perfectly ok because timing is the most important thing, but would it be ok if I get back to you from time to time, then you can hear how it goes for me and I can hear how it goes for you.” (If yes, put the Prospect in your calendar and follow up in 3 months (end the meeting within a minute).

Step #2: Moving Out of the Limiting Belief

Now say this to the Prospect:

  • “Do you have a car? (Yes) Ok, so if you came down to your car tomorrow and found that all 4 tires have been cut by someone and are now flat, and you really needed the car to get to your job, how fast could you get the money for a new set of tires?”


  • “If I parked my black one-year-old BMW outside your door and told you that you can have it for 4000 Euros if you can get the money within 2 hours, how fast could you raise that amount?”


  • “I know it’s kind of a silly question, but honestly, if your mother was arrested and you needed to find 5000 Euros to bail her out, how fast could you raise the money to get your mother out of jail?”

Now are you Brave enough to do the same here?

Here we are creating a mental context in which the Prospect probably could raise the money in a very short time because it’s Important (and so is Zinzino since it can completely change their life).

If they ask questions about this, tell them that you’re just showing them that everything is about having the right mindset.

Step #3: Coaching on Finding a Solution

Now our task is to coach the Prospect to choose a workable solution to raising the money for the Start Kit (Ultimate). This coaching should start with reminding them that they can make 2500 Euros in the Fast Start process, and that when we talk about borrowing money there is bad debt (borrowing for expenses and parties) and good debt (borrowing for investing).

Note: When you’ve come this far, sign them up and let them pay later when the financing has fallen into place

  1. You can, in some countries, delay the payment for 30 days using Klarna (and make the money in the Fast Start process).
  2. Maybe you have a budget account where you can borrow the money for 30-60 days (and make the money in the Fast Start process)?
  3. Who do you know who can lend you the money (or some of it)?
  4. Maybe can get a loan from your bank or online (Norwegian bank is the cheapest and gets very good ratings)?
  5. Maybe you could sell some of the products in the Start Kit?
  6. Do you have something that you could sell?
  7. Other options…

Note: When talking about loans you might need to teach the Prospect to differentia between good and bad dept: Bad dept Is for daylight expenses and partying, good dept is for investming (Zinzino is an investment in your future).

Objection #2: I don’t have the time

Step #1: Isolating the Objection

  • Prospect: “I don’t have the time for this.”
  • Coach: “I hear what you’re saying, but I wonder if it’s just a polite way of saying no, or if it’s really true that you don’t have the time. Both are absolutely fine with me. I just want to help.”
  • Prospect: “It is really true that I don’t have the time.”
  • Coach: “Ok, but does that mean that if you had the time, you would start now?”
  • Prospect: “Eee yes.”
  • Coach: “Are you sure?”
  • Prospect: “Yes!”

Step #2: Moving Out of the Limiting Belief:

Say this to the Prospect:

  • “Can I ask you a question? (Yes) Ok. If a close relative had a daughter that needed special care in a hospital for the next 2 months, and it was a 1-hour drive both ways, and you were the only person in the family who could take her there, honestly, would you be able to find those 2 hours a day for the next 2 months?”

And then:

  • “How many hours per week do you think it will take to build a full-time income together with us? (35 hours) That’s probably true in a traditional job, but since we’re working with leveraging our hours with other people’s hours, you certainly don’t have to invest that amount of hours. We’re operating with 7-10 hours a week. But we also have an option we call ‘The One Hour Option’.”

Step #3: Coaching on Finding a Solution

Explain how we, in the “One Hour Option”, can build the Prospect’s business for them, using their contacts and you doing the meetings and the follow-up. In this model, the Prospect is only spending one hour per week inviting their contacts to a meeting with you and possibly your Coach. And then, when the business reaches a certain level or the Prospect can free up some time, they can join the party..

Objection #3: I’m not a salesperson:

Step #1: Isolating the Objection

Prospect: “I’m not a salesperson.”
Coach: “I hear what you’re saying, but I wonder if it’s just a polite way of saying no, or if it’s really true that you’re not a salesperson. Both are absolutely fine with me. I just want to help.”
Prospect: “It is really true that I’m not a salesperson.”
Coach: “Ok, but does that mean that if I could convince you that you didn’t have to be a salesperson, you would start now?”
Prospect: “Yes.”
Coach: “Are you sure?”
Prospect: “Yes!”

Step #2: Moving Out of the Limiting Belief:

Say this to the Prospect:

  • “I find you very convincing and trustworthy when you say that you’re not a salesperson. Our primary task is, in a trustworthy manner, to inspire change in people, and I find you a natural at inspiring people.”
  • “Would it be ok if we talked a little about what we do so you can see that this is really not about selling?”

Step #3: Coaching on Finding a Solution

  • Explain how we invite people to meetings and webinars, and how other Partners will be presenting so that the Prospect doesn’t need to do that. Also, explain how what we do makes people live 4.7 years longer, with more than 30% less disease and a younger face. It’s not selling, it’s helping people find healthy solutions.
  • Tell your favourite product story to get this point across.

Objection #4: It’s a pyramid

Note: If the Prospect calls it a Pyramid Game / Scheme, you should immediately say: “I’m sorry to inform you but pyramid games / schemes are illegal, and if that’s what you’re seeking, I can’t help you. We’ve been listed on Nasdaq Nordic since 2014 and we’re doing Network Marketing which is perfectly legal.”

Step #1: Isolating the Objection:

  • Prospect: “I’don’t like it’s a pyramid.”
  • Coach: “I hear what you’re saying, but I wonder if it’s just a polite way of saying no, or if it’s really true that you don’t like it because you believe its it’s a pyramid. Both are absolutely fine with me. I just want to help.”
  • Prospect: “It is true that I don’t like it if it’s pyramid.”
  • Coach: “Ok, but does that mean that if I can convince you that it’s not a pyramid , you would start now?”
  • Prospect: “Yes.”
    Coach: “Are you sure?”
  • Prospect: “Yes!”

Step #2: Moving Out of the Limiting Belief

  • Coach: “How do you understand a ‘pyramid’ in a business context, and what is it you don’t like about it?”
  • Prospect: The Prospect will respond with something, and often they don’t know what it is or why they don’t like it, so be prepared to, in an emphatic way, ask questions that in a soft manner exposes the weakness in their arguments, rather than trying to argue against them.
  • Coach: “I really don’t recognize what you’re telling me there. We don’t do any of those things! Are you willing to stay with me and upgrade your knowledge as to why this model is better than anything else you’ve seen?”
  • Coach: “So can we have an open talk about what our business can do for you, so that you don’t miss out on reaching your dreams?”
  • Prospect: “Ok.”

Step #3: Coaching on Finding a Solution

Go through every negative thing the Prospect has mentioned, one by one. This has to be done in a safe and non-critical manner since the Prospect needs to feel safe enough to let go of the old belief. Here are the most important:

  • Where does the money come from? In pyramid schemes/games, the money comes from new ‘players’ entrance fees. In Zinzino, all commission comes from the selling of products.
  • Is it only the top making money? If that was true, the model wouldn’t work! You don’t get commission forever in depth. In Zinzino, everyone who comes in today can make more money than everyone that came before them.
  • Selling to family and friends: We don’t sell anything! We solve health problems. We ask people to take a look at what we have, and then some of them choose to buy. And if it can heal what a family member is suffering from, shouldn’t you let them decide for themselves?
  • Paying to become a Partner: This is not a job. It’s a ‘ready-to-run’ business setup where you get a website, shipping service, product development, videos, blog posts, landing pages, etc., for free! The only thing we ask you to do is to start using the products so that you know, from your heart, what you are talking about. This ‘getting-to-know’ the product is what the Start Kit is all about—and by the way, you’ll get the Start Kit refunded by making 25 Customer points! 🙂

Important Stuff:

  • When the Prospect is ready, sign them up immediately! If financing hasn’t cleared yet, choose the ‘Pay later’ option.
  • Always put the new Partner in the ‘Waiting Room’ and go to other Partners that are close to signing up, and ask them if they want to get their first Partner in their team right from the start (you can do this with several Partners). Be aware that you have to place Partners in the Waiting Room before it closes.

Quiz for Learning:

  • Why is it important to be able to move forward through an objection?
  • Why is it important to put the Prospect into another context in Step 2?
  • Why is it important to ask “Are you sure?” in Step 2?

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