2. Inviting

Learn How to Invite People from Your Personal Network into take a Look at what we do:

Why is this Important?

Because the people in your personal network are your family, friends, and colleagues, people where there is a natural level of mutual ‘know, like, and trust.’ So why shouldn’t they be the first to know about our unique solutions for health and wealth? Also, it’s duplicable so everyone can learn to do it.

So the aim of this module is for you to learn how to become really good at bringing people into your pipeline, and please note, that even thought we call it “Inviting”, we’re talking about confirmed booking of meetings.

  • Note: Even though we call it “Inviting,” what we really mean is a professionally booked meeting.

The Golden Rules of Inviting:

  1. Never Mix Invitation with Information:
    • Why is this important? Because most people are very busy in their lives and ask questions to find out if what you have is relevant for them. Often, when you tell them too much, they jump to conclusions and say no. So, no talk about Omega-3 or the company name.
  2. Never Send Anything in Advance:
    • This is the same thing. They want to know beforehand if this is relevant for them, and by sending them something first, you’ll rob them of the opportunity to get the full picture.

So, when someone asks, “What’s it all about?” or “Can you send me something about it first?” you simply respond with:

  • “I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about it yet, but my colleague knows it all and can answer all your questions. So would it be OK to join the webinar (meeting) and see how good it is?”
  • “I’m sorry, but I don’t have anything that’ll work as a first-hand impression. Please give 30-40 minutes of your time. I promise that you won’t regret it.”
  • “…and there is something visual you’ll need to see.”
  • “It’s first hand insider knowledge on how to own your own online business without the hassle, risk, and large investments” (when a Partner Prospect presses you really hard).
  • “It’s scientific insider knowledge on how to live 4.7 years longer, with more than 30 percent less disease and looking younger” (when a Customer Prospect presses you really hard).

Which Channel to Invite Through:

  • Phone is personal and fast (our favorite).
  • Voice message on social media is personal and fast.
  • Text is less personal, takes more time, and can easily be ignored.
  • Text on social media takes time and is very non-personal.
  • Face-to-face is difficult because it’s hard not to inform.

Basic Invitations for Customer Prospects (Directly to Webinar):

  • Invitation #1 (General): “Hi John. I’ve started to work with a very exciting health project that I would love to get your opinion on. Are you free to join an insiders’ health webinar on XXXday at Y o’clock?” (use sentences above to avoid informing).
  • Invitation #2 (With Motive): “Hi John. I’ve started to work with an exciting health project, and I’ve started to think about you. Do you still suffer from those migraine headaches (joint or muscle pains, skin conditions, gut issues, etc.)? If yes, I think I’ve found something that can make a difference with that. One of my colleagues is doing an insiders’ health webinar on XXXday at Y o’clock, are you free to join?”
  • Invitation #3 (Sports): “Hi John. I’ve started to work with an exciting health project, and since I know that you’re very much into sports and exercise, and a healthy lifestyle that way, I would love to get your opinion on this. Are you free to join a 40-minute webinar on XXXday at Y o’clock with one of my colleagues?”
  • If the Prospect is Not Available for the Webinar: “Ok, but then let’s have a meeting with my colleague, just you and me. It means a lot to me that you get the information. When do you have 30 minutes? (get 2 suggestions and check with your colleague and come back and make the agreement).”
  • Extra: In the middle of a conversation: “By the way, what are you doing on XXXday at Y o’clock?” (if available): “How about joining an insiders’ health webinar with one of my colleagues?”

Basic Invitations for Partner Prospects (for the SP):

  • Invitation #1 (General): “Hi John. I’ve started to work with a very exciting business project that I would love to get your opinion on. Are you free to take an online meeting with me and a new friend and colleague on XXXday at Y o’clock?” (use sentences above to avoid informing).
  • Invitation #2 (With Motive): “Hi John. I remember that you and Anna have been talking about how you dreamed about her being a stay-at-home mom while the kids are still small. Is that still something you’re dreaming of?” (John: Yeah, but with the current inflation it seems impossible, why?) “Well, I’ve found a way so that that dream can come true. When do you and Anna have 30-45 minutes for an online meeting with me and a very good friend of mine?”
  • Invitation #3 (Indirect): “Hi John. As you probably know, I’ve started to work in a mega trend business project, and we’re looking for some driven people who could use a couple of thousand Euros extra every month. Do you know anyone like that?”
  • NextGen DreamBuilders: “Do you know a youngster between 18 and 29 who wants to own their own business, or wants to travel and work around the World?”
  • Extra: “By the way, do you know anyone who could use an extra thousand Euro/Dollar a month by working online a few hours every week?”

Setting the Appointment:

When you have your prospect’s commitment for a meeting or a presentation, tell them that you’re going to send them a confirmation with a link to the meeting. If they are not used to online meetings, explain how to use it. And if there is more than 48 hours to the meeting/presentation, send a reminder on the day, also with the meeting link (you should make a Word document with scripts that you’re using a lot).

  • Example 1: “Hi John. I’m so much looking forward to seeing you on XXXday at Y o’clock. Here is the link to the meeting. Best wishes, Anna. :-)”
  • Example 2: “Hi John. Thank you for a very inspiring meeting today. I’m super sure you’ll love what we have and do, and I’m looking forward to seeing you on the webinar on XXXday at Y o’clock and the day after at Z o’clock. Both are on the same link. Best wishes, Anna.” (post link).


  1. The reason why we in the Partner Pipeline have a Short Presentation (SP) before the full Business Presentation (BP) is that it serves as a filter for people who are negative towards network marketing. If a prospect already has a positive view towards network marketing, you’re welcome to invite them directly to the Business Presentation (BP).
  2. Any of these invitations can be expanded into asking for referrals by adding the question: “Who do you know that could be interested in something like this?”

Quiz for Learning:

  1. Why do we have an SP before the BP in the Partner Pipeline?
  2. Why the Golden Rule of not mixing Invitation with Information?
  3. Why do you think this is a ‘Make it or Break it’ skill?

Get Better: